استعدوا لمعركة العصر عندما تواجه فرقة العدالة أعدائها اللدودين ، فيلق الموت، في فيلم جديد تمامًا من دي سي كوميكس. ينشأ كائن غامض يُعرف باسم الوقت الصياد. وتقوم خطة شريرة…
To contact the spirit of the previous Avatar, Aang must reach a temple in the Fire Nation before the sun sets on the following day. There he will learn what…
While on their way to the North Pole, Aang and his friends arrive at a giant canyon where two groups of refugees are bickering over who should get to go…
The gang arrives at Kyoshi Island and are captured by some Kyoshi warriors. When Aang reveals that he is the avatar, news quickly spreads out and suddenly reaches to Prince…
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