نتائج البحث عن "Shinpei Matsuo"
الحلقة7Kakushigoto Season 1 Episode 7

Kakushigoto الموسم 1 الحلقة 7

Kakushigoto الموسم 1 الحلقة 7
الموسم 1
الحلقة: 7
تاريخ العرض: 2020-05-14

Kakushi is about to finally get a dog for Hime when something unexpected happens. Meanwhile, Kakushi tries to recall an assistant he used to have that is now a popular…

عنوان الحلقة: Inuhoshiki: Dog Wanted / The One Who Connects Mother and Child
المسلسل: Kakushigoto
الحلقة11Kakushigoto Season 1 Episode 11

Kakushigoto الموسم 1 الحلقة 11

Kakushigoto الموسم 1 الحلقة 11
الموسم 1
الحلقة: 11
تاريخ العرض: 2020-06-11

Hime wants to have a family meeting for some reason and also, Kakushi is misled to believe that his manga series is ending. Because he feels like he has nothing…

عنوان الحلقة: Saishukai: The Last Chapter Doesn’t Bother Her
المسلسل: Kakushigoto
الحلقة1Kakushigoto Season 1 Episode 1

Kakushigoto الموسم 1 الحلقة 1

Kakushigoto الموسم 1 الحلقة 1
الموسم 1
الحلقة: 1
تاريخ العرض: 2020-04-02

Kakushi Goto is a famous manga artist, but he keeps that a secret from his daughter, Hime, and will do anything to keep that secret. A new editor comes by…

عنوان الحلقة: Secrets / Wishes


المسلسل: Kakushigoto