نتائج البحث عن "Austin Basis"
الحلقة الأخيرة من المسلسل. The very last episode of the series.
يعطي زائر ملكي في برنامج “غوردون فورد” لـ”ميدج” فرصة للتألق. A royal visitor at The Gordon Ford Show gives Midge a chance to shine.
تقع “ميدج” في ورطة بعد تدهور حفلة الشركة. Midge lands in hot water after a corporate gig goes south.
تُكرّم “سوزي” في نادي “فرايرز”. Susie is honored at the Friars Club.
تقنع “سوزي” “ميدج” بالمشاركة في حفلة للموسيقى الصناعية. Abe takes Midge’s place at Parent-Teacher Day.
يحلّ “إيب” مكان “ميدج” في يوم مقابلة المعلّمين للآباء. Susie ropes Midge into performing in an industrial musical.
إنه اليوم الأول لـ”ميدج” في عملها الجديد، هل من أحد يعرف أغنية الـ”كايسون”؟ It’s Midge’s first day at her new job. Anybody know The Caisson Song?
تقع “ميدج” في مشكلة بسبب كلامها، بينما ينشغل “إيب” بسبب خطأ ما. Midge’s mouth gets her in trouble at work and Abe obsesses over a mistake.
Annalise presents her class with a high-profile murder case that pushes even the Keating 5’s morals, while Laurel makes a shocking discovery through an unlikely source.
Magnum takes the case of a little girl’s missing cat and, in the process, stumbles upon another cat’s murdered owner who happens to be an FBI agent.
Jeff pitches the idea of doing a Seinfeld reunion to Larry, who refuses at first, until he realizes how he could make it pay off personally.
In a change of pace, Sam and Dean decide to star in a violent, profane reality show named Ghostfacers. The show takes them to the haunted Morton Mansion, and they…
When a best-selling novelist is murdered, Lucifer and Chloe discover that her books are based on real people from her past, and must infiltrate her high school reunion in order…
When a best-selling novelist is murdered, Lucifer and Chloe discover that her books are based on real people from her past, and must infiltrate her high school reunion in order…
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