نتائج البحث عن "Dominic Zamprogna"
الحلقة19Smallville Season 8 Episode 19

Smallville الموسم 8 الحلقة 19

Smallville الموسم 8 الحلقة 19
الموسم 8
الحلقة: 19
تاريخ العرض: 2009-04-23

Lois believes that she needs a big story to secure her reputation as a star reporter but the red/blue blur continues to elude her. However, after Chloe is mugged, Lois…

عنوان الحلقة: Stiletto


المسلسل: Smallville
الحلقة20Supernatural Season 1 Episode 20

Supernatural الموسم 1 الحلقة 20

Supernatural الموسم 1 الحلقة 20
الموسم 1
الحلقة: 20
تاريخ العرض: 2006-04-20

To obtain a mystic gun capable of destroying the demon that killed their mother, Sam and Dean must team up with their father John and face off against vampires.

عنوان الحلقة: Dead Man's Blood


المسلسل: Supernatural