On their way to Omashu, Aang, Katara, and Sokka meet a group of nomads who show them a shortcut through the “Cave of Two Lovers.” But when the group becomes…
Larry runs into his old girlfriend, and she asks him to escort her to an incest-survivors meeting. Cheryl is asked to co-star in “”The Vagina Monologues”” when one of the…
واجه تشاندلر وروس اثنين من المتنمرين في المقهى ؛ أحدهم يسرق قبعة تشاندلر. بعد محاولة تجنبهم ، يواجه الرجال المتنمرين وهم على استعداد للقتال. عندما يسرق اللص أغراضهم ، ينضم…
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