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الحلقة22Supernatural Season 9 Episode 22

Supernatural الموسم 9 الحلقة 22

Supernatural الموسم 9 الحلقة 22
الموسم 9
الحلقة: 22
تاريخ العرض: 2014-05-13

After a suicide angel takes out an ice cream shop to kill one enemy angel, Sam and Dean investigate and discover that the target was one of Metatron’s angels… and…

عنوان الحلقة: Stairway to Heaven


المسلسل: Supernatural
الحلقة21Supernatural Season 9 Episode 21

Supernatural الموسم 9 الحلقة 21

Supernatural الموسم 9 الحلقة 21
الموسم 9
الحلقة: 21
تاريخ العرض: 2014-05-06

Abaddon finally gets something that she can use as leverage against Crowley to force him to lure the Winchesters. Meanwhile, Castiel rallies his forces and asks Sam and Dean to…

عنوان الحلقة: King of the Damned


المسلسل: Supernatural