مشاهدة فيلم Hit Man 2024 مترجم – مدبلج
القصة: أستاذ يعمل كقاتل محترف في قسم شرطة مدينته، يهوي إلى منطقة خطيرة ومشكوك فيها عندما يجد نفسه منجذبًا إلى امرأة تستعين بخدماته.
Story: Gary Johnson is the most sought-after professional killer in New Orleans. To his clients, he is like something out of a movie: the mysterious gun for hire. But if you pay him to rub out a cheating spouse or an abusive boss, you’d better watch your back he works for the cops. When he breaks protocol to help a desperate woman trying to flee an abusive husband, he finds himself becoming one of his false personas, falling for the woman and flirting with turning into a criminal himself.
“Original Title: Hit Man 2024”